The Ultimate SEO Tags Guide

The Most Important SEO Meta Tags and How To Use Them Good SEO starts with the best meta tags. Strategic placement of SEO tags helps search engines understand the content on your webpage which is why they are essential for SEO ranking. Every website should contain meta tags but not every type of meta tag …

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Mobile SEO

As you create your digital advertising strategy, you should never overlook the importance of mobile SEO. Mobile SEO lets you optimize your website so that it functions well and is user-friendly when accessed on mobile devices. Mobile SEO t is an important part of your overall SEO strategy.  Why You Should Follow Mobile SEO Best …

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Rel Alternate Explained

Rel Alternate is the basic source code for showing alternative representations of webpages with the same or similar content. The hreflang link attribute, indicating different languages and regions, is the most common link rel=”alternate” combination. Learn the specifics of both link rel= ”alternate” and link rel= ”alternate” hreflang including how, why, and when to use …

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SEO for Shopify

Have you launched a Shopify store, but are having problems with attracting potential customers and increasing sales? In the e-commerce world, it is not enough to build a store with high-quality products. If you want customers to come, you will need to dedicate time and effort to search engine optimization. The good news is that …

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SEO Trends in 2020

With the year approaching its end, it is time to evaluate how well you followed the SEO trends for 2020 and whether you are on track to continue doing so into 2021. Importance of SEO Trends in 2020 Before getting into the various SEO trends, it is smart to understand why they matter. Familiarizing yourself …

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