All About Cyber Security Content Marketing

If you don’t have a technical background, creating content for cyber security professionals may seem difficult. Although technical buyers are vital in the buyers committee, non-technical purchasers must also be considered.

Cyber security decision-makers can include the CEO, the board of directors, the general counsel, and the head of risk. In addition to more traditional roles like the chief technology officer, chief information security officer, chief information officer, or security analysts, depending on the price point or nature of the solution.

Given the industry’s size, your cyber security content marketing strategy should be personalized to the individual consumers who are most crucial to your solution, as well as themes that illustrate your expertise.

Using the following stages will help you develop a cyber security content marketing strategy that will succeed in the cyber security industry:

  • Goals that are clear and communications that will help you achieve them.
  • Detailed knowledge of your buyer personas.
  • A grasp of the content kinds that work best for your industry.

Find out who your buyer personas are
One thing to keep in mind regarding today’s cyber security content marketing is that it’s in high demand, but also quite competitive. Companies that help protect vital business functions are no more a nice-to-have, they’re a critical part of a growing organizations because of the enormous cost of data breaches.

Much of your competition has most likely already taken on the task of producing excellent marketing material. Focusing on your most desirable customers is the best approach to get a leg up on the competition.

Creating unique and specific content
Depending on your approach, team, and organization, you’ll have different content marketing objectives. But that doesn’t exclude us from discussing the role of content in the cyber security business.
The number of leads generated by a modern content marketing team isn’t measured. You aren’t compensated just for increasing website traffic. And simply increasing the brand’s social following will not make you successful in the eyes of business stakeholders.

Content marketers must now, more than ever, demonstrate that they contribute to revenue goals. That entails not only analysing lead volume in cyber security, but also lead quality and the importance of content in influencing prospects to make a purchase choice.

One of the principles of influence is having social proof. It is another trademark of marketing in any industry, and it all comes down to appealing to a human predisposition to choose items that others like, suggest, or encourage.

This is especially true in the field of cyber security. It is costly to invest in new cyber security solutions and any bad investments come with astronomical costs that are simply not there in other company systems. Customers are unlikely to want to be test subjects for unproven solutions.

When it comes to creating social proof, though, you’re up against it when compared to marketers in other industries. Cyber security is something of a taboo subject. No company likes to make a big deal out of a security breach (if it can be helped).

Expertise and Authority
No one wants to commit their company’s security to a brand they’ve never heard of. Your cyber security marketing materials should clearly state who you are, what you do, and why anyone should put their trust in you. Your content should demonstrate that you’re a leader in data security and cyber security research.

Instil confidence in the industry. One of the most important parts of your cyber security content marketing is to establish a sense of trust. It’s all about proving to your clients that you can keep their personal information safe in this sector. People will seek out individuals who demonstrate authentic, genuine knowledge in assisting others in a world when they have little faith in anything.

Don’t recite the same statistics and advice you’ve heard before. Make it worthwhile for the reader to spend their time with you.

Seek out previous customers and let them to speak frankly and honestly about the cyber security products and services you provided. Create compelling case studies that demonstrate the issue they had, what you did to solve it, and the result.

It’s natural for people to feel more at ease when they follow the advice of authoritative figures. Business leaders and security decision-makers aren’t interested in hearing that you’re always experimenting with network security measures. They want to know that you’re the experts and that they can entrust their enterprises to you.

Add quotes from subject matter experts and well-known leaders to your material to make it more engaging. To illustrate the worth of your items, rely on analyst reports.

But be cautious. Make no deceptive promises about your products or services to gain authority. This can swiftly backfire and ruin your brand’s reputation in an irreversible way.

Don’t base your cyber security content marketing on fear!
The first issue with a fear-based strategy to cyber security content marketing is that it is built on fear. It makes executives think about cyber security, but it doesn’t make them feel compelled to invest in a new solution.

Fear based content does not work. When done effectively, fear-based content leaves a lasting impression on your mind. But the point is that these long-lasting impressions rarely translate into business outcomes. The following are the four basic causes behind this:

  • The factor of desensitization a follow-up to the “it’ll never happen to me” scenario.
  • The sensation of being judged.
  • The attitude of “it’ll never happen to me”.
  • Long-term consequences.

The Attitude
The attitude of “that won’t happen to me” is a type of marketing that is successful in persuading executives to be concerned about a data breach. However, their first impulse isn’t to spend millions of dollars on a solution to the problem; instead, it’s to deal with their own dread. Instead of watching your content generate inbound leads, you’re left with a group of target prospects who believe “it’ll never happen to me.”

The sensation of being judged
Although detection technology has advanced significantly in recent years, not every company is equipped. That’s where your products could be useful. Shaming a corporation for its cyber security breaches, on the other hand, may not be the greatest strategy.

If a headline emphasizes the need for improved security solutions, it is intrinsically critical of your prospects. As you try to qualify leads, that’s not exactly going to start the relationship off on the right foot.

Long-term consequences
When you use fear to sell a product, you’re trying to persuade clients to purchase into a solution that shields them against future attacks (or, if they’re never targeted, no attacks at all). Avoiding a long-term perspective will help to establish a sense of urgency.

The factor of desensitization
Negative information will not influence those who are willing to take chances and have the mindset that “it’ll never happen to me.” To genuinely recognize the need for change, they’d have to witness the terrible consequences of a cyber-attack first-hand.

Your competitors are assaulting prospects with content marketing initiatives of their own. Do not rely on fear to dilute your own message.

Breaking down the content
There are many types of content like; Research content, case studies, blog posts, analyst reports, personalized landing pages, downloadable content, and data sheets.

Case studies
A fluff piece and a compelling case study that spotlights the customer while exploring pertinent concerns are two different things. Select case studies that are representative of your target audience. For your case studies, you may, for example, choose other organizations in their vertical or even their competitors.

This will demonstrate that you have handled their specific cyber security requirements before, build demand, and allow them to compare your services to others.

Research content
You must be regarded as an expert in the field of cyber security. You can’t just rely on high-level blog entries that remark on current events to do this. Your products and services are actively gathering data about the most pressing difficulties your customers face, which gives you a strategic advantage over content marketers in other industries.

Your products are collecting thousands of data points to help your engineers stay up with the threat landscape, which is continuously evolving.

Blog posts
A cyber security content marketing plan would not be complete without blog content. With B2B blog postings, it’s easy to fall into a “content for the sake of it” trap.

You have a one-of-a-kind opportunity for everyday content ideas. Set up a Really Simple Syndication feed to keep track on cyberattacks, ransomware attacks, and other cyber security news. Try to keep your audience up to date by writing about the most relevant stories as they happen.

These stories will not only assist establish demand, but they will also demonstrate that you are up to date on the newest cyber security news. You cannot spend all your content marketing resources on a high-volume blog publication schedule, especially if you’re selling high-consideration cyber security items.

The more valuable materials for cyber security audiences include analyst reports, first-party research, and case studies.

Analyst reports
Sponsored analyst reports can boost your authority in the eyes of C-level decision makers if your budget enables it.

Data Sheets
You must work around the fact that high-level decision makers are busy if you want to reach them with your material. Worse yet, they’re likely to be inundated with content from a variety of other cyber security companies.

You need glance content that can attract attention, whether you’re a technical lead searching for short resources to share with less technical decision makers or your sales team seeking to engage a C-level contact. It’s not a new concept to create data sheets for your sales force.

Downloadable content
Offering downloadable information, such as e-books and whitepapers, is another effective strategy to convert site visitors into leads who may be nurtured later. Not every topic lends itself to long-form content, and the truth is that you won’t have the time or resources to do so on every subject.

Analyse your current content’s analytics to discover the most popular or searched-for subjects and terms. When thinking about subjects for downloadable content, these are frequently the greatest places to start.

The landing page is another part of downloaded content that you should think about. E-books and other long-form assets are excellent candidates for gated content. This will necessitate the creation of a custom landing page that introduces the asset’s topic and gives enough information for the reader to judge whether it is relevant without giving away the good stuff.

Making your own landing pages
Create landing pages with bespoke pricing, industry news, relevant material and research, and distinctive branding and logos. Don’t even wait for leads to get in touch with you about custom pricing. Use dynamic landing pages to inform them immediately away so that they can share the information with others.

Getting organized
Don’t expect this to be consistent for years if you know what kind of material you’ll be focusing on. The first step in becoming more structured and analytical in your approach to cyber security content development is to create a cyber security content marketing plan using a spreadsheet.

Based on your business objectives and learning what works and what doesn’t for your specific market, your content demands may alter periodically. Using a spreadsheet to fill in the gaps in your plan ensures that nothing is neglected.

Putting this together also helps you to track each persona’s buyer journey and the types of searches they’re conducting.

In conclusion, the cyber security landscape has changed over the years. Cyber security content marketing has become a big part of the marketing strategies because it adds value and helps attract the target audience.

Looking to market in the cyber security world?  That’s what were here for! Our digital marketing team will help you grow in the cyber industry and help you get the best results! Contact us now to start marketing your company in the cyber world!